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Graduation Virtual Live Stream - August 24, 2024

Posted by Center for Advanced Legal Studies [CALS]

Aug 14, 2024 3:30:23 PM

On Saturday, August 24, 2024, at 10:00 AM Central, Center for Advanced Legal Studies (CALS) will hold its 74th Commencement Ceremony for graduates of its paralegal programs. Due to the large number of graduates who reside outside of the Houston area, this event will be presented via a virtual live stream to acknowledge the accomplishments of all graduates equally. As always CALS is committed to making this a special event for graduates, families, and friends.

A total of 110 paralegal credentials will be conferred. Paralegal Certificates will be awarded to 85 graduates, and Associate of Applied Science Degrees will be awarded to 25 graduates. Congratulations graduates on your hard work, dedication, and accomplishments.

The commencement address will be presented by Amy Rainwater, TBLS-BCP.

Amy Rainwater is a board-certified paralegal at Patterson-UTI Management Services, LLC’s corporate office where she assists with litigation, labor, and employment matters. She began her paralegal career in 1989 after graduating from Center for Advanced Legal Studies. In 2012, she obtained her paralegal certification in Civil Trial Law from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Ms. Rainwater is dedicated to giving back to the legal profession. She is an active member of the Houston Metropolitan Paralegal Association (HMPA), where she has been a member since 1991. She has served on the HMPA Board of Directors in various roles and was elected as the president of HMPA from 2019 to 2020 and from 2023 to 2024. Ms. Rainwater continues to serve on the HMPA Board of Directors.

In addition, Ms. Rainwater is involved in the State Bar of Texas, Paralegal Division, where she has served as the Online CLE Chair and the District 10 Elections Subchair. She is also a member of NALA – The Paralegal Association.

The event will be moderated by CALS' Director of Outreach and Career Services, Tami Riggs, with contributions from members of CALS faculty and staff.

Please share the following links with your friends, families, and colleagues. The ceremony will be streamed on YouTube at 10:00 AM, and attendees can share their comments and photos on the Facebook event page located at https://www.facebook.com/events/485657777515049/

A printable event program is available for download at Graduation Program.



Many graduates provided photographs and personal statements which will be displayed as their names are called during the commencement ceremony. Those who provided photos and statements will be displayed below in an image gallery. We appreciate their contributions and wish all graduates success and the best of luck in their careers and future endeavors. Way to go grads! Way to go paralegals!

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Graduation Virtual Live Stream - August 24, 2024

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