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SINCE 1987


Center for Advanced Legal Studies (CALS) has specialized exclusively in the education of paralegals since 1987.  Due to the ability of our graduates and the reputation and dedication of our faculty and staff, paralegal organizations and legal communities recognize CALS as experts in paralegal education.  

Now, as throughout our history, we can assure our students, graduates, and their employers that the premier paralegal training provided at Center for Advanced Legal Studies meets and exceeds the requirements of the profession. It is like no other in quality, content, and career opportunity.


Opened Doors
Center for Advanced Legal Studies

Houston branch received license to operate from Texas Education Agency

COE Accredited

Accredited by the Commission of Occupational Education Institutions - Division of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

TECB Authorized
Texas Higher edu

Authorized by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Veteran Friendly
Military friendly

Approved to train veterans

COE Accreditation
COE Accredited

Accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education

ABA Approved
ABA Approved

Approved by the American Bar Association (ABA)

Hybrid Classes
hybrid paralegal class

Approved to offer courses online. Hybrid program delivery commences

Voluntary Withdrawal
leave aba

Requested voluntary withdrawal from the ABA*

100% Online Classes
100% online paralegal classes
ACCSC Accreditation
January 29, 2024
Business & Law
1987 Houston branch received license to operate from Texas Education Agency
1987 Accredited by the Commission of Occupational Education Institutions - Division of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
1992 Authorized by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
1995 Approved to train veterans
1995 Accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education
1998 Approved by the American Bar Association (ABA)
2009 Approved to offer courses online. Hybrid program delivery commences
2012 Requested voluntary withdrawal from the ABA*
2013 100% online paralegal programs commence
2020 Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
2024 Bachelor of Arts: Law and Business program commences
* The American Bar Association (ABA) didn’t recognize synchronous learning platforms such as Zoom™, Blackboard Collaborate™, or Class for Teams™ as equivalent to classroom learning until January 1, 2020. Prior to 2020, the ABA required at least 10 semester credit hours to be taken in a traditional classroom setting, which made attending programs 100% online impossible.