This class is an introduction to the court system and the many types of research tools and methods used in a law office. Students study the law library and its functions, learn to distinguish between primary and secondary authority, learn to locate cases and verify their authority, and learn to brief cases. (45/3/0/3)
History and nature of law, with emphasis placed on the role of the paralegal. Introductory survey of substantive and procedural law. Relationships between the paralegal, attorney, co-workers, and the general public are stressed. Ethical issues, such as attorney advertising, unauthorized practice of law, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and other practical aspects of ethics are covered. Students learn to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of law and the paralegal’s role within the profession. (45/3/0/3)
This course covers various theories under which an injured party may seek redress for physical and economic injuries, including intentional torts, negligence, and strict liability. The course also covers bodily injury damage and property damage, as well as other types of compensation, such as worker’s compensation. Students learn the practical aspects of personal injury practice as covered from both the plaintiff’s and defense perspectives. (45/3/0/3)
Civil jurisprudence and investigative techniques are studied in this class. Throughout the course, students learn to combine an understanding of basic legal principles with an ethical approach to investigations. Emphasis is placed on the use of public resources for the various types of investigations which students will encounter in actual practice after graduation. (45/3/0/3)
Theory of this subject is understood by utilizing the code and textual material. The law of Wills is studied, and students learn to produce a written Will and probate documents. Each aspect of probate practice is reviewed, with emphasis on the paralegal’s role in such a practice. Students study and learn how to prepare probate documents, applying different methods of probating a Will and an intestate estate as practical assignments. Appropriate terminology and the requirements of law offices practicing in this area are examined. Basic tax and estate planning principles are also covered. (45/3/0/3)
This course covers the initiation, discovery, and management of civil cases in state and federal court, from the beginning of the suit through trial and appeal. Topics include the resolution of jurisdictional questions, preparation and management of pre-trial discovery, development and understanding of evidence issues, summarizing depositions, and preparation of witnesses for deposition and trial. Further, students learn to prepare pleadings and trial notebooks. Finally, students are familiarized with e-filing, e-discovery, and various case management systems such as ProDoc®. (45/3/0/3)
Students study various forms of business organizations and laws affecting business organizations. Subjects covered include sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, and the law of agency. Students learn to prepare documents necessary to create each form of business organization including the incorporation of business. Practical assignments are given to assist in understanding various concepts of law within a business environment. (45/3/0/3)
This is a detailed study of legal aspects of family law. Subject matter includes marriage, divorce, marital property, child custody, support, termination, and adoption. Students learn to prepare the common documents directly related to the practice of family law. Equally important, students learn to understand the legal theories behind the documents they prepare. (45/3/0/3)
In this course, students gain a basic understanding of legal protection given to works of authorship, trade secrets, trademarks, and patents. Students learn the foundation of this area of law and the practical considerations encountered in the practice of intellectual property law. (45/3/0/3)
This is a survey course in which students learn to review or draft earnest money contracts, deeds, mortgage instruments, foreclosure notices, liens, leases, and other real estate documents. Students learn legal concepts that relate directly to the documents such as estates in land, homestead, fixtures, and easements. Students learn to develop skills in recording documents, conducting a title search, and foreclosure sale. (45/3/0/3)
This course covers the specific computer applications and techniques utilized in today’s modern law office. Students learn the function and utility of PowerPoint software, learn to generate legal documents with document assembly software, and learn to conduct computer aided legal research with Westlaw® and the Internet. (45/3/0/3)
This advanced civil discovery course is designed for students to learn and apply current e-Discovery concepts and procedures required in modern civil discovery and complex litigation. Legal disputes increasingly require the collection and analysis of electronically stored information (ESI) as part of the discovery phase of litigation, and corporations must meet certain electronic information requirements to mitigate risk and expense. In this course, students learn to apply the Electronic Data Reference Model (EDRM) to properly manage the various stages of e-Discovery including information management, identification, preservation and collection, review and analysis, production and presentation. Students will learn to use e-Discovery software and tools and apply this understanding to real world case scenarios through projects requiring the application of case management systems. Students also demonstrate knowledge of case law relating to e-Discovery issues in various projects and assignments. (45/3/0/3)
Prerequisites: LAW1307 Civil Procedure and LAW1300 Legal Research and Writing
Externships are designed to give each student practical, on-the-job experience by working with an attorney, judge, legal department of a corporation, or other law-related business. Students learn to apply the skills and knowledge obtained in the classroom to everyday situations, resulting in an equally beneficial relationship between a student extern and his or her supervisor. Externships are offered during a student’s final term.(15/0/111/3)
This course introduces students to the practice of United States Immigration & Nationality Law. Topics include immigration courts and agencies, immigrant and non immigrant visas, admission to and removal from the United States, naturalization, refugees and asylum, appeal process, and preparation of various immigration forms. (45/3/0/3)
This demanding course is designed to prepare students for the rigors of civil litigation. Course topics include post discovery motions and pleas, alternate dispute resolution and mediation, challenges to expert witnesses, amendments and supplements to pleadings, and preparation for trial. Students are presented with examples and scenarios illustrative of real world practices and procedures relating to the final stages of litigation with special emphasis placed on accuracy and timeliness of document production and filing. Students participate in a final course project in which teams of students compete against one another simulating the full range of civil procedure paper practice from the original complaint to pretrial motions. (45/3/0/3)
Prerequisite: LAW1307 Civil Procedure
This course further develops the research and writing skills learned in LAW 1300 Legal Research and Writing. Students conduct more detailed legal research and learn to write briefs for pre-trial and post-trial motions. Students also learn the form and practice specific to appellate briefs. (45/3/0/3)
Prerequisite: LAW1300 Legal Research and Writing
This course will examine the process by which oil, gas, and other minerals are produced and the legal issues relative to the various stages of production. It will also explore the property rights that allow for production. Students will learn to prepare deeds, leases, utilization contracts, releases and other legal documents by which those rights are created and extinguished. Examples of topics covered by the course will include, among others, environmental remediation of oilfield sites, federal and state regulation of the oil and gas industry, mineral royalty disputes, oil and gas exploration and production. (45/3/0/3)
Topics include the common law of contracts, the Uniform Commercial Code, consumer protection, E-commerce and electronic transactions, and electronic signatures. Students will learn how to identify and apply concepts of offer and acceptance, consideration, enforcement, contract formation, performance and discharge, third party contracts, and remedies. The Uniform Commercial Code will be examined in detail and with exercises promoting it’s practical application. (45/3/0/3)
*45/3/0/3 Indicates number hours of theory/lab/externship/semester hrs.
800 W Sam Houston Pkwy S, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77042-1912
Call or Text: (713) 529-2778
Toll Free: 1-800-446-6931
800 W Sam Houston Pkwy S, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77042-1912
Call or Text: (713) 529-2778
Toll Free: 1-800-446-6931