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James Scheffer

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Working and studying from home - a paradigm shift

Posted by James Scheffer

May 1, 2020 12:00:00 PM

COVID-19-school-lockdowns-and-remote-workingEveryone became acutely aware of a looming epidemic in the second week of March 2020. We watched numbers grow exponentially on an interactive map with ominous red bubbles moving from around the globe to our local areas. Our response was to spray Lysol, scowl at those who sniffled, sneezed or coughed; and wonder what would come next. Oh my!

Thankfully, I have not been infected by the COVID-19 virus, but I have been affected by its presence in our communities.

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Topics: online classes, career, education and training

Transitioning from Military to Civilian? Consider a Paralegal Career.

Posted by James Scheffer

Aug 7, 2013 11:57:00 AM

The transition from military to civilian employment can be intimidating.  You may have made the decision to join the military for a myriad of reasons, including self-fulfillment, bringing discipline to your life, obtaining a career focus, or simply—but most importantly—service to our country.  Now that you have gained additional discipline and have fulfilled your service obligation, how do you best find continuing career focus and self-fulfillment in the private sector? 

Veterans choose a paralegal career

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Topics: online classes, paralegal degree, veterans and military, career, education and training

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