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Students Affected by Hurricane Harvey

Posted by Eric H. Happe

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Sep 6, 2017 8:33:04 PM

Classes have resumed, but some students are finding it difficult to return to normal class activities due to Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath. To address this issue and provide some relief for these students, CALS has modified its policy on late work as follows:

  • Students who are unaffected should attend live class and submit work as assigned and when due. Classes return to normal.
  • Students encountering difficulties are encouraged to attend live class as best they can, watch the recordings when needed, and submit work as soon as possible even if it is after the scheduled due date.
  • Instructors may accept late work for items originally due after August 25th through the remainder of this session with no penalty.
  • All work must be submitted no later than September 25th at 6:00 PM Central.
  • Students should notify their instructors of their status and keep them posted on their progress as best they can.
  • Instructors may apply this policy with discretion to maintain the integrity of their assignments and meet course objectives. i.e. group assignments, special projects, etc. may need to be addressed differently.

Students who have not been affected should continue to submit work on time so instructors can maintain their regular grading schedule. 

Those who were not impacted by Harvey can best help those who were by returning to their normal routines of participating in live class, asking questions, posting to discussion threads, taking quizzes, and submitting assignments on time. This will promote a healthy online or classroom environment and help students catch up when they are able to return.

We appreciate your assistance and support in helping all students return to a relatively normal routine, and wish all those experiencing difficulty a speedy recovery.

Center for Advanced Legal Studies Logo Eric H. Happe
Director of Distance Education


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