How do I download and install ProDoc?
(Updated 12/28/2015) Katie
(Updated 12/28/2015) Katie
“As a paralegal, become indispensable.” These are the words of Center for Advanced Legal Studies’ Academic Dean, Tom Swanson, to a class of new paralegal students which includes Andrea Keprta. Andrea looks up, waiting to see if another story is on the way. “Let me give you an example,” says Swanson, and the students put […]
So you’ve completed your classes, walked across the stage to receive your diploma, and you’ve been hired. What’s next? As you take the next steps in your life, an important thing to do is prepare to pay back your student loans. At Center for Advanced Legal Studies, where I work in the Financial Aid department, […]
Thanks to its recognition as a highly-skilled and hugely helpful profession, the paralegal career is gaining in popularity and becoming more in-demand. A significant number of people are setting their sights on becoming paralegals because the job is rewarding and the career outlook is sunny. Many people desire a legal career without the time and […]
The transition from military to civilian employment can be intimidating. You may have made the decision to join the military for a myriad of reasons, including self-fulfillment, bringing discipline to your life, obtaining a career focus, or simply—but most importantly—service to our country. Now that you have gained additional discipline and have fulfilled your service […]
If you’re looking to begin a paralegal career, it can be a daunting task to try to choose where to get your paralegal education. There are a lot of paralegal programs out there; how do you pick one? Potential paralegal students are able to do a lot of online research and find out many details […]