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Paralegal Program Brochure - Download

Thank you , for your interest in our programs. We sent content to your email address: your email address.


Please expect a call or email from an experienced Admission Representative shortly to answer any questions you may have.

Our Paralegal Program brochure is available in two formats for download. A single-page brochure with essential information and a 32-page brochure which contains significantly more detail. After downloading one or both, you may want to request a Free Paralegal Information Kit. It will contain a printed copy of the 32-page brochure.

Please choose single-page or 32-page brochure below:

 Paralegal Program Brochure btn-download-FULL-pdf1 32 page

What's next?

If you'd like to submit a request for our Paralegal Information Kit to be mailed to you, or if you'd like to request a call from Admissions, click one of the links below. You may also be ready to submit your application online.

Request another info kit by mail   Schedule a call with an Admission Representative Paralegal Program Application


Have specific questions?  Call to speak with an Admission Advisor today!