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SINCE 1987

Online Paralegal Classes

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Online Paralegal Classes - Delivered

Over the past decade, students have embraced the ability to take classes online. Thanks to advanced technology and the increased availability of high-speed Internet, students can attend online classes and have access to the same quality educational resources and experiences they would receive in a traditional classroom, with some aspects actually improved.

Same Curriculum. Same Results.

Our Online Interactive Instruction™ model takes a modern approach to online paralegal education. Attend classes wherever you are with your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone and broadband Internet connection. Meet with your instructor and classmates once a week to learn new information and gain skills. Use the rest of the week to prepare, study, and collaborate. Whether you prefer online classes or a traditional classroom setting, you receive the same curriculum and the same proven results.  

Is Paralegal Career Training Right for You?

Take the “Center for Advanced Legal Studies Paralegal Career Training Readiness” Quiz

The fun, online quiz takes 3 minutes to complete and you’ll get a personalized report. Identify your strengths and social style plus the training and positions you’re best suited for. Get Your Paralegal Career Training Readiness Score Now!

What are online paralegal classes like?

You might be surprised at how far online learning has advanced. Center for Advanced Legal Studies incorporates industry-leading technology including Canvas LMS™, Class for Teams™, Microsoft Office™, and Westlaw™ into its online paralegal classes.

Boring online classes are a thing of the past.

Afraid you will just be reading your textbooks and uploading assignments? Not at CALS. Live class sessions are delivered with Class for Teams™, the industry-leading platform designed for education. Most online students attend classes live two days per week to meet with their instructor and classmates. The rest of the time they can access their courses and materials 24/7. In live class, students can see and hear their instructor and classmates, view PowerPoint presentations and legal documents live on the whiteboard, and raise their hands to ask questions. All sessions are recorded and can be viewed later on computers, tablets, and smartphones. Outside of class students use Canvas LMS™ to view prerecorded videos and lectures, interact in discussions about course topics, take self-tests and quizzes, and submit their assignments using Office 365. All these class activities can be accomplished on their schedule when it is convenient for them. Students who enroll in online classes love the experience. If you are interested in learning more, contact your admission representative to schedule a consultation which includes a demonstration of this fantastic technology. Residents of all 50 states are eligible for enrollment into programs offered via distance education at CALS.

Center for Advanced Legal Studies has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of post-secondary distance education. Accordingly, students residing in the 49 participating states (CA residents see below) may enroll in programs offered by CALS.

Center for Advanced Legal Studies is registered with the California Bureau for Private Post-secondary Education and therefore authorized to admit students from California.