Paralegals perform many of the same duties as lawyers, but becoming a paralegal takes considerably less time and financial commitment.
Paralegals conduct legal research, draft legal documents, interview clients and witnesses, investigate the facts of a case, attend and summarize depositions, and assist at trial. Paralegals can specialize in litigation, corporate law, criminal law, family law, real estate, oil and gas, intellectual property, immigration law, and much more.
Excited by the possibility of becoming a paralegal and working in a law firm or corporate legal department? You can earn your Paralegal Certificate in as little as 8 months.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “employment of paralegals and legal assistants is projected to grow 12 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations.” BLS confirms that “most paralegals and legal assistants have an associate’s degree in paralegal studies, or a bachelor’s degree in another field and a certificate in paralegal studies.” You can earn both at Center for Advanced Legal Studies.
Center for Advanced Legal Studies is a nationally accredited college and has specialized exclusively in paralegal education and training since 1987.
Our accredited Paralegal Certificate program is designed to provide the essential knowledge and skills required to work as a paralegal. It is perfect for those who already have a college degree or are currently working as a paralegal. The Paralegal Certificate program includes 24 semester hours of college credit.
Our accredited Paralegal Degree program is designed for students seeking their first college degree. It builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the certificate program and adds specialized electives which provide students with the opportunity to study some of the most interesting and exciting areas of law. This comprehensive Paralegal Degree program consists of 62-66 semester hours of college credit.
Your Paralegal Degree or Certificate can be your first step to a rewarding law career!
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Paralegals and Legal Assistants, on the Internet at (visited October 20, 2021).
Center for Advanced Legal Studies
800 W Sam Houston Pkwy S, Suite 100Houston, TX 77042-1912
Call or Text: (713) 529-2778 | Toll Free: 1-800-446-6931