Foundational introduction to modern business environments and practices including economics, markets, communication, business formation, entrepreneurship, accounting, finance, marketing, and business ethics among other topics. 45/3/0/3
Essential topics of financial and managerial accounting designed to provide non-accounting majors with a working knowledge of accounting concepts. Using a financial statement framework, students learn fundamental accounting concepts and engage with financial reports including income statements, balance sheets, statement of cash flows, inventory, and equity among others. 45/3/0/3
Students strengthen communication skills needed for professional success in the modern digital age by examining model documents and completing meaningful writing assignments. Professionalism, intercultural communication, business messaging, workplace communication, proposals, presentations, and report writing are emphasized. 45/3/0/3
Introduction to the fundamentals of management focused on management functions, managerial roles, organizational environments, ethics and social responsibility, planning and decision making, departmentalization, team building and leadership. 45/3/0/3
Marketing principles such as strategic planning, consumer decision making, business marketing, segmentation and targeting, research, products, distribution, supply chain management, retailing, and promotion and communication strategies. Students also apply what they have learned toward advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and social media. 45/3/0/3
Making good business ethical decisions is just as important to business success as mastering management, marketing, finance, and accounting. This course examines the importance of applying sound business ethics relating to stakeholder relationships, corporate governance, sustainability, mandated requirements for legal compliance such as the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act and Dodd-Frank, core and best practices, and emerging issues in business ethics. 45/3/0/3
Seeks to equip students with the tools and practices of HR management and promote in them an appreciation for the changes they can make by understanding how best to manage people. Emphasis is placed on challenges of human resource management, strategy and planning, equal employment opportunity, job analysis and design, recruitment, hiring and onboarding, and training and development. 45/3/0/3
Designed to help and encourage students, especially non-finance majors, to learn important financial concepts and become familiar with financial institutions. Students study various aspects of finance including financial institutions, financial markets, investment banking, securities, the role of the Federal Reserve, international currency, analysis of financial statements, investments including stocks and bonds, and corporate finance. 45/3/0/3
Introduction to traditional methods in project management consistent with PMBOK® Guide and other PMI standards. Students learn to apply project management best practices in organizing, leading, planning, and performing various projects resulting in on-time deliverables. Students develop proficiency in Microsoft® Project to automate processes and become eligible to become Certified Associates in Project Management (CAPM®), if desired. 45/3/0/3
Addresses the legal implications and ramifications of conducting business internationally, as well as the related cultural, political, economic, and ethical issues today’s global business managers face. Topics covered include international law, resolving commercial disputes, international sales, the formation of contracts, international transportation, banking, federal separation of powers, and the federal agencies affecting international trade. 45/3/0/3