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SINCE 1987

Three Tips to Prepare for Your Paralegal Certification

Three Tips to Prepare for Your Paralegal Certification

Paralegals play a huge role in the legal services industry. Their research expertise is highly valued by lawyers and judges who need relevant information for their cases. Gail ArmatysCo-Founder & CAO Center for Advanced Legal Studies As co-founder and administrator of CALS, Gail focuses on providing excellent services, programs, resources, and results to students. She […]

Graduation Virtual Live Stream - August 24, 2024

How do I run Windows or Windows applications on a Mac?

Center for Advanced Legal Studies does not recommend these options as a solution to running Windows based software such as ProDoc.  The Center’s official recommendation is that all students own or have access to a Windows based computer or laptop as described in What are the minimum laptop/computer requirements for students? Eric H. HappeDirector of […]